How to go from dark to light hair

Do you ever get the urge to just make a dramatic change from your dark hair color to something completely different? We’ve all been there.

And no matter how many quick tips tutorials you look at to make a difference quickly, there is only one tried and true way to get the color you're looking for. Time.
Below are our insights and tips to help you make the best decision when making the switch.


The Inspo
Who doesn’t love making a pinterest board filled with glam and gorgeous color looks? This is where the fun begins and the imagination of your new you awaits!

Some things to keep in mind when coming up with your inspiration board:

  • Consider your skin tone. More often than not, a lot of people get inspired by really bright iced colorings, but then forget about how that color might look against their skin tone. Sometimes too bright of a color can make you look washed out or even pale. 

  • Consider your roots. Do you have super dark hair but want a lighter top? Or do you want a brighter highlight to be mixed in with your dark hair? Think of how that color will look as your hair grows out over time. Especially if you don’t go all the way to the base of your head, your darker roots can end up showing quicker than you think.

  • Consider your day to day. Are you the type of person who doesn’t have a lot of time to get ready? Consider a color that can be neutral, but light enough where you can tell there is a big change and you still feel refreshed. Sometimes the simplest color change can make all the difference.

The expectations

Okay, now you got the inspiration down, what’s next? Your next step from here should always be to consult with your stylist on what is and isn’t possible with your hair texture. Our Lee Graves Stylists are highly trained to combat any color needs for a variety of hair types, and we will always tell you honestly if there are any concerns with your hair goals. 

Let’s be real for a second. Getting your hair done in this fashion won’t be cheap. You’re having a professional with years of experience systematically care for your hair while taking it through a very intense change. The process takes time to do it right and more importantly safely. We can’t tell you how many times we have seen people come into the salon trying to fix their at home dying solutions because their hair texture now has dramatically changed (in a bad way!) and they want it fixed immediately. This is why we highly encourage you to come in for a FREE consultation on what you want to do before taking the leap. That way you and your stylist can walk through all the steps together and there are no surprises when you come in for your first appointment. 

Pro Tip!

When getting ready for your appointment make sure your hair isn’t freshly washed but also not days old dirty. Reason being, if your hair is too clean the day of your appointment, the treatments used can actually start to irritate your scalp. Reverse wise, if your hair is too oily, then this can interrupt the lightning process.

The Process

The next most important thing to consider is time. Especially if you are going into this process with virgin hair that has never seen a color brush before, this process can take anywhere from 3 - 5 visits. However, this can vary depending on your hair texture, current color, length, and desired level of lightness. It might not be the fastest process, but we consider all these things so your hair comes out looking fresh and fabulous!

The After Care

You did it! You found your inspo, you booked your appointments and now you have a fresh new look! Go you. Now it’s time to keep this look fresh and healthy until your next appointment. Some great tips to keep in mind for your hair care needs.

  • Reduce the heat drying. Especially after a color appointment, having too much heat on your hair can make your hair start to feel brittle. Let it air dry as much as possible.

  • Start using purple shampoo. If you have never heard of purple shampoo, it is a toning shampoo specifically designed for light blonde or bleached hair. It helps make sure your hair doesn’t become brassy or orange over time. Purple shampoo is also very concentrated so you really only need a drop mixed with water. 

  • Use conditioners and hair masks weekly to keep your hair hydrated. It’s incredibly important you use the right products during this process to help keep your hair looking its best!

And that’s everything! For now We know this can all be a bit overwhelming but that is why we are here to help you every step of the way. If you still have questions or are ready to finally take the leap into your next hair care journey, get in touch with a stylist today to book your appointment

Don’t forget to follow us over on instagram! @leegravessalon

Ready to book your new look?! Get in contact with a stylist today! We can’t wait to see you at the salon!


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