Hair tips to keep your hair looking fresh all year long.
We can all use a little help when it comes to making our hair look great all year long.
And while we can’t be in the salon every day getting our hair done, I’ve collected a bunch of great healthy hair tips to help you throughout the year.
- Practice makes perfect -
Wash your hair the correct way
With so many different guides and tips to follow it can be a bit overwhelming. These are the main guidelines to washing your hair
the right way.
Avoid shampoos with sulfates and silicones to avoid your hair drying out and removing your head's natural oils.
Make sure your hair is fully wet before applying any shampoo.
Before applying make sure you mix it with a little water in your hand.
Gently massage the shampoo in your hair, don’t scrub hard at the scalp.
Rinse for 1 - 2 Minutes to make sure your scalp is fully clear of any soap
Apply a moisturizing conditioner (See tip 2 below!)
- Nice & Smooth -
The right way to condition your hair
When conditioning your hair be sure you are doing the following things to get the most out of your treatment.
Only add conditioner on the bottom ¾ of your hair (avoid the roots!)
Use a moisturizing conditioner before shampooing
Use a wide tooth comb to remove any tangles
Leave your conditioner in for a bit before washing out
Rinse with cooler water.
- Nice & Fluffy -
How to dry your hair
Did you think just applying the hair dryer right after your shower was the right way to dry your hair? Might want to take a look at these tips.
Towel dry your hair thoroughly by squeezing or pat drying it. Try not to rub it!
Using a microfiber towel can also help since it’s a softer fabric on your hair than a traditional towel.
If you have a lot of tangles, apply a detangler or hair protectant after towel drying.
Let your hair dry naturally about 70-80% of the way.
When you use the hair dryer use the coolest setting and keep the dryer about 6 inches away and move around continuously until dry.
- Treat yourself -
Don’t forget the P & R!
It is really important to understand that your hair is a reflection of you and how you treat yourself. Making sure you take time to relax and pamper yourself from time to time, really does go a long way with how your body releases nutrients for your hair.
Below is a list of services we do to help relieve some of that tension and stress you might be carrying with you and you don’t even realize it. Let us take care of you on those extra days you just need a little pick me up.
Luxury Conditioning Treatment And Style
Scalp Massage With Essential Oils
Brazilian Blowout
Keratin Treatments
Shampoo Blowout And Style
And so much more!
Reach out to book an appointment with one of our specialists here for your Pamper & Relax experience.