Don’t do the splits!

Got Split ends?

Does your hair seem to be split and brittle looking? Everyone gets split ends, even human hair extensions. Long hair is more likely to get spit ends more often because it is so far away from the scalp where the natural oils are. The longer hair just doesn’t get that natural oil to organically moisturize the ends.

What increases the chances for split ends?

The regular use of hot styling tools such as flat irons and hair dryers on the hottest setting can cause the ends to split more quickly. Bleaching, perming, and highlighting can cause more damage to the hair and increase split ends.

External elements can increase the dryness in the hair such as the sun, weather, and nutrition. Hormones and a bad diet or vitamin deficiency can also increase split ends.

How to prevent split ends.

Its important to keep those ends trimmed every 8 weeks or so for long hair. This will prevent the ends from further splitting and causing the hair to look frizzy. Talk to your stylist about a good maintenance strategy for cutting your hair on a regular basis. This is the ONLY way to eliminate the split ends.

Keeping the ends moisturized at all times is a must. You never want to have your ends feeling dry and brittle. Let your hair air dry as much as possible and always use a thermal protectant before using the hot tools.  Masks, conditioners, hair oil, and serums are great to keep the hair in a good condition.

Make sure and drink plenty of water and eat a healthy balanced diet. Take in plenty of folic acid and biotin, which have been proven to help the hair grow.

Silk pillowcases or sleep caps can also help the hair to stay healthy and keep it from becoming frizzy. If you have long hair or extensions, be sure and braid your hair before you go to bed to prevent snagging and pulling your hair during the night.

Be gentle with your hair and take good care of yourself to keep your hair healthy and on the right track to preventing all the split ends.







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