
I get asked everyday, “ why do I have these little hairs on the top of my head that stand up

Is it breakage? Is it new hairs? The answer is it could be a little bit of both.

I have only seen a handful of people that don’t have some of this going on. Everyone has a little bit. Its totally natural and normal for your hair to have this. You just don’t really see it in the back  you see it on the top because it’s a flat area on the top of your head and that is what you see In the mirror.


Your hair can break when you are brushing your hair. This is a possibility for everyone wether you have chemically treated hair or not.

Everyone loses hair everyday, even up to 100 strands a day. Those lost hairs do grow back in, which makes it possible to see those little hairs on the top as they are growing.

Breakage from overprocessing is a possibility as well. Fine hair is more fragile and can break more easily when highlighted or colored or even blow drying too often.


We have a really good wax pomade at our salon called fixation by eufora. This is a great little product to add some wight to those little hairs and also give it a little shine. You just apply this to your hands and rub together like a lotion and then wipe it on the top of your hair to smooth down those shorties. If you don’t have the promenade, try a little hairspray that has firm hold or a paste to tame those down.  

Keep your hair moisturized to prevent the broken hairs. Make sure and use a conditioner in the shower that you rinse out. Also use a conditioning leave in. Wether it’s a conditioning serum or a reparative leave in, it will continue to keep your hair from being brittle throughout the day.


If you would like more info on our hair products to prevent damaged hair, please schedule your complimentary consultation through our booking system here.


Heat Wave and Hair


Don’t do the splits!